Thousands of individuals are fulfilling their dreams through one of the opportunities at Educational Technologies, while positively contributing to many lives at the same time. See if any of the following suits you:

 Part-time jobs:

Ideal for students or housewives, this requires a commitment of just four hours a day. No previous working experience is necessary. Free training is provided to selected candidates.

 Career in sales:

Suitable for fresh graduates in any field, or those who want to switch to a more rewarding career. This requires a full-time commitment.


This requires some experience in direct sales or children’s education. You need to have an established company with sales and marketing resources. This opportunity is only applicable if there is no distributor in your country.


If there’s a distributor in your country but no sales office in your city, you could set up one. This requires some experience in sales and managing a sales team.

Please complete and submit this form with your contact number (including country and area code). We will contact you for more information.